Safeguarding Policy Statement

Our approach

YMCA Burton takes its responsibilities for safeguarding extremely seriously and believes that it is never acceptable for a child, young person, vulnerable adult, or any member of society to experience abuse of any kind.  Our safeguarding policy and practices are aligned to those of the Staffordshire Safeguarding Board.

Our approach to safeguarding ensures we:

  • protect and promote the welfare of the children, young people and vulnerable adults who engage with us
  • communicate our approach to safeguarding in a clear and transparent way
  • demonstrate compliance with relevant statutory guidelines
  • have safeguarding responsibilities that are clear and people understand how to report concerns they may have about a child, young person or vulnerable adult


We strongly believe that everyone, regardless of age, background, ability, culture, disability, gender, language, religious beliefs and sexual identity has the right to protection from abuse.

YMCA Burton has a responsibility to identify children, young people and vulnerable adults who may be in need of extra help or who are suffering, or are likely to suffer, significant harm.  This is an inherent part of the Charity’s culture, as we adopt a “culture of vigilance” in relation to all of our stakeholders and the communities that we engage with.

We recognise that safeguarding is not just about protecting any child, young person or vulnerable adult from deliberate harm and neglect, but also about broader aspects of care and education such as well-being (including mental health), first aid, special educational needs and/or disabilities, educational visits and online safety.

Management of concerns

We will take all suspicions and allegations of abuse and/or poor practice seriously and will respond to any concerns swiftly and appropriately. We will support people who report their concerns about abuse in good faith and will investigate their concerns, referring to the appropriate people and external agencies where necessary.

It is not the responsibility of anyone working/volunteering at YMCA Burton to decide whether or not abuse has taken place; however, we will act on any concerns by reporting them to the appropriate person or agency. We will take all actions within our power to enable any child, young person or vulnerable adult to have the best outcomes.

If you have a safeguarding concern please contact 01283 538802 and ask to speak to a Designated Safeguarding Person in the first instance.